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Languages and the Media 2018

6/11/2018 - Stavroula

Trafilm will present the project's final results at the Languages and the Media conference in Berlin.

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Trafilm Conference Programme

10/31/2017 - Stavroula

The Trafilm Conference: Multilingualism & Audiovisual Translation


Espai UVic
Via Augusta, 123, 08006 Barcelona


Thursday, 30th November 2017


8:30 - 9:00 – Registration

 9:00 - 9:15 – Welcome

 9:15 - 10:15 – Keynote 1: Marta Mateo (University of Oviedo) “Issues, factors and strategies in the translation of multilingual operas” (Chair: Eva Espasa) 

10.15-11.45 – Panel 1A: Research Projects (Chair: Montse Corrius)

María Pérez de Heredia (University of the Basque Country) – Irene de Higes-Andino (Universitat Jaume I): "Multilingualism and representation of identites in audiovisual texts: IDENTITRA, a Research Project”

Patrick Zabalbeascoa (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) – Stavroula Sokoli (Hellenic Open University): “The Trafilm project: Insights and development” 

Irene Ranzato (La Sapienza Università di Roma): "Dialects in Audiovisuals: regional and social varieties of British English in cinema and TV"

10.15-11.45 – Panel 1B: The Crimes of Code Switching (Chair: Miquel Pujol)

Sofia Iberg (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): “Multilingualism as narrative device or depiction of reality? Mapping language use and subtitling in Narcos”

Enriqueta Zafra; Marco Fiola (Ryerson University): “’Translators always talk about loyalty – till their own asses are on the line’: on faithfulness, vulgarity and equivalence for three audiences of Narcos

10.15-11.45 – Panel 1C: Dubbing and L3 (Chair: Laura Santamaria)

Anjana Martínez Tejerina (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Samantha Sánchez Martínez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): “The dubbing of foreign accents in The Simpsons

Dora Renna (University of Verona): “Unveiling multiculturalism, translating multilingualism: Chicano English and Italian dubbing of the movie Blood In Blood Out (1993)”

11.45-12.15 – Coffee-break 

12.15-13.45 – Panel 2A: Audiences and filmmakers (Chair: María Pérez de Heredia)

Irene de Higes-Andino (Universitat Jaume I) Eva Duran-Eppler (Roehampton University), Mathias Kraemer (VSI, London): “Why make multilingual films and TV series? And how are they perceived? Preliminary results on filmmakers’ intentions and audiences’ perception”

Gonzalo Iturregui-Gallardo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): “Audio subtitling multilingualism: strategies and user experience”

Nancy Membrez (University of Texas): “Collaborating with Argentine Filmmaker Eliseo Subiela”  

12.15-13.45 – Panel 2B: Strategies When Translating L3 (Chair: Irene Ranzato)

Monika Wozniak (La Sapienza Università di Roma): “Giuseppe in Warsaw: a strange case of untranslatable translation”

Simon Labate (University of Namur): “Where Idioms Change: The French dubbed version of Where Eagles Dare

Helena Santiago Vigata (Universidade de Brasília): “To translate or not to translate: the choice to leave foreign lines untranslated in a film” 

12.15-13.45 – Panel 2C: Code Switching (Chair: Patrick Zabalbeascoa)

Margherita Dore (La Sapienza Università di Roma): “Translating Multilingual Humour in AVT. Modern Family as a Case in Point”

Carmen Pena-Díaz (Universidad de Alcalá): “The Use of Code-switching as a contextualization cue in Audiovisual Translation”

Giulia Magazzù (University of Chieti-Pescara): “Dottore, dottore!” Subtitling dialects and regionalisms: the case of “Inspector Montalbano” 

13.45-15.15 – Lunch 

15:15-16:45 – Panel 3A: Drama and Performance (Chair: Eva Espasa)

Elizabete Manterola (University of the Basque Country): “The translation of a heterolingual novel: Soinujolearen semea, by Bernardo Atxaga”

Yu Jing (Shanghai Jiao Tong University): “The issue of gender and Eliza’s two voices” 

15:15-16:45 – Panel 3B: Dubbed Series (Chair: Anjana Martínez-Tejerina)

Julia Carbonell-Galindo (University of Valladolid); Verónica Arnáiz-Uzquiza (University of Valladolid); Susana Álvarez-Alvarez (University of Valladolid): “Multilingual kaleidoscope: Multilingual products rendered in different dubbing scenarios”

Ilaria Parini (University of Milan) ““Inizia oggi il papato di Pio XIII”. Multilingualism in The Young Pope and its Italian version”

Cristina Alonso-Villa (Universidad de Regensburg) “Vikings: rendering of a “real constructed” language. Comparative analysis of the Spanish and German DVDs of the third season” 

16.45-17.15 – Coffee-break

17.15-18.00 – Round Table: Professional Perspectives on Multilingual Films Isona Passola, producer and director; Àlex Brendemühl, actor and script writer; Lluís Comes, translator and adapter (Chair: Laura Santamaria)

20.30 - Conference Dinner at Marítim Restaurant (Barcelona harbour). Please note that places are limited. They will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

Friday, 1st December 2017

9.00-10.30 – Panel 4A: Sociolinguistic Variety (Chair: Eva Duran-Eppler)

Guillermo Parra (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): “Analysing the translation of substance-induced L3 with the aid of the TRAFILM database”

Giulia Puppo (University of Sheffield): “Like Crazy. Bipolar Disorder and Linguistic Speech Patterns in Paolo Virzì’s La Pazza Gioia (2016): Challenges for the Subtitler)”

Kristyna Dufkova (Masaryk University): “Difficulties with the melting Balkans pot: How to translate and highlight the diversity within the subtitles” 

9.00-10.30 – Panel 4B: Subtitling and L3 (Chair: Stavroula Sokoli)

Huang Boyi (Centre for Translation, Hong Kong Baptist University): “Translational Idiosyncrasies in Subtitling: A Comparative Study on the Commercially Licensed and the Voluntarily Fansubbed Chinese Translations of the Big Bang Theory”

Mariazell-Eugènia Bosch Fàbregas (Universitat de Vic – UCC): “Cultural Stereotyping through Subtitling in Family Guy” 

Anastastia Beltramello (National University of Ireland): “Working with subtitle dialectics in the foreign language classroom: the case of Benvenuti al Sud 

10.30-11.00 – Coffee-break 

11.00-12.00 Keynote 2: Reine Meylaerts (KU Leuven): “Multilingual films in/and translation: beyond the paradigm of simplicity?” (Chair: Patrick Zabalbeascoa)

12.00-13.30 – Panel 5A: Sociolect and Idiolect (Chair: Miquel Pujol)

Irene Ranzato (La Sapienza Università di Roma): “The ‘U’-sociolect: the linguistic representation of the British upper classes” 

Sattar Izwaini (American University of Sharjah): “Multilingual Subtitling from and into Arabic: Patterns, features and communicative outcomes” 

Carme Mangiron (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) “Playing with Languages: Linguistic Variation in Game Localisation” 

12.00-13.30 – Panel 5B: Cultural References, Political Perspective and Ideology (Chair: Irene de Higes)

Patricia Tavares da Mata (Universidade de Brasília); Helena Santiago Vigata (Universidade de Brasília): “Subtitling multilingual films: the challenge of preserving linguistic diversity” 

Aysun Kiran (University College London/Marmara University, Istanbul): “Linguistic Diversity and Translation (or Non-Translation in Turkish Cinema” 

Arthur Pontes Costa (Universidade de Brasília); Helena Santiago Vigata (Universidade de Brasília): “Analysis of multilingual subtitles: Les Grandes Ondes (à l'Ouest) 

13.30-14.30 – Keynote 3: Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin): "The New Languages of the Earth? Translation, Cinema and Climate Change" (Chair: Montse Corrius)

14.30-15.30 – Lunch

Rated 5.00, 4 vote(s). 

The TraFilm Conference: Multilingualism and Audiovisual Translation

1/27/2017 - Stavroula

Photos of the conference

Videos of the conference

Keynote lecture 1: Marta Mateo (University of Oviedo)

“Issues, factors and strategies in the translation of multilingual operas” (Chair: Eva Espasa)

Keynote lecture 2: Reine Meylaerts (KU Leuven)
Multilingual films in/and translation: beyond the paradigm of simplicity?” (Chair: Patrick Zabalbeascoa)

Keynote lecture 3: Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin) 
"The New Languages of the Earth? Translation, Cinema and Climate Change" (Chair: Montse Corrius)

Round Table: Professional Perspectives on Multilingual Films
Isona Passola, producer and director; Àlex Brendemühl, actor and script writer; Lluís Comes, translator and adapter (Chair: Laura Santamaria)

Project presentation Patrick Zabalbeascoa (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)– Stavroula Sokoli (Hellenic Open University)
“The Trafilm project: Insights and development”

A remarkable number of films and television shows display more than one language (Inglourious Basterds, Jane the Virgin, The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones…); they include different languages or a language with significant internal variation. The translation of such written and audiovisual texts poses important theoretical and practical challenges, since language variation can manifest itself in different forms and fulfil various functions, which might be stylistic, pragmatic or discursive. These texts are often referred to as multilingual, polylingual, plurilingual or even heterolingual.

The TRAFILM project aims to describe the reality of the translation of multilingual audiovisual texts. We aim to discover professional and social practices along with the norms and criteria of this specific translation challenge. We also hope to validate and refine existing theoretical models on audiovisual translation and multilingualism by describing and analysing a rich collection of data. The TraFilm Conference is conceived of as a meeting point for exchanges, research experiences and proposals for an increasingly important topic within Translation Studies.


• The translation of language combinations within the same film, videogame, TV product, or written work of fiction.
• Multilingualism and Audiovisual accessibility (Audio Description, Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Sign Language Interpretation.
• The translation (or nontranslation) of constructed languages, i.e., languages made up by the author within a work of fiction.
• The translation of conditioned language utterances within a work of fiction, i.e. when communication is conditioned by cognitive or articulatory hindrances, because of the effects of overexcitement, intoxication, exhaustion, psychological condition, speech impairment.
• The rendering of dialects and/or sociolects within a work of fiction or non-fiction, when they are used as distinct forms of communication from a standard language operating as the main language of the source text.
• Translation creativity when dealing with stylistic and/or linguistic varieties and language combinations

• Instances of code-switching, diglossia, bilingualism, heritage languages within works of fiction or as parts of translation of non-fiction. 
• The stylistic and functional effects and implications of linguistic variety as explained in the previous points, above, e.g. humour, stereotyping, xenophobia, censorship, character portrayal, narrative and rhetorical devices.
• Reports of professional experiences and practices on translation and multilingualism.

Abstracts (up to 300 words), along with the author’s name, communication information, and short bio-bibliographical note should be sent to trafilmproject@gmail.com by 18th May 2017  with the indication “Trafilm Conference Proposal” on the subject line.

Conference Programme

The Conference Programme is available here

The Book of Abstracts and Bionotes is available here in pdf.

Organizing committee

Montse Corrius (Universitat de Vic-UCC, Spain)
Eva Espasa (Universitat de Vic-UCC, Spain)
Miquel Pujol (Universitat de Vic-UCC, Spain)
Laura Santamaria (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Patrick Zabalbeascoa (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)

Scientific committee

Frederic Chaume (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
Irene De Higes (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
Jorge Díaz-Cintas (University College London, United Kingdom)
Elena Di Giovanni (Università di Macerata, Italy)
Eva Duran-Eppler (Roehampton University, United Kingdom)
Irene Ranzato (Università la Sapienza, Italy)
Marta Mateo (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)
Stavroula Sokoli (Hellenic Open University, Greece)

Keynote speakers

Michael Cronin 
Michael Cronin is Professor of French at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Author of Translating Ireland: Translation, Languages and Identity (1996); Across the Lines: Travel, Language, Translation (2000); Translation and Globalization (2003); Translation and Identity (2006); Translation goes to the Movies (2009), The Expanding World: Towards a Politics of Microspection (2012), Translation in the Digital Age (2013) and Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene (2017). Member of the Royal Irish Academy, the Academia Europeae/Academy of Europe and an Officer in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques. Co-editor of the Routledge series New Perspectives in Translation Studies and Editor-in- Chief of the translation journal MTM. He was CETRA Professor of Translation Studies in 2004 and Nida Professor of Translation Studies in 2016. He is an Honorary Member of the Irish Translators and Interpreters Association.

Marta Mateo

Marta Mateo is Professor of English Studies at the University of Oviedo, Spain, where she teaches Translation Theory, Literary Translation, English Phonetics and Phonology and English Intonation. Her research interests include the translation of multilingualism in musical texts, the translation of humour, drama and translation theory, about all of which she has contributed chapters to international volumes and published articles in both national and international journals, such as The Translator, Meta, Linguistica Antwerpiensia, Target or Perspectives. Marta Mateo is the coordinator of the Translation and Discourse Analysis Research Group at the University of Oviedo. She formed part of the Executive Board of the European Society of Translation (1998-2001); she coordinated the Translation Studies Panel of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies (2000-2004), and has been Associate Editor of Perspectives. Studies in Translatology (2011-April 2017). She has also been Head of the Language House of the University of Oviedo (2009-2013).

Reine Meylaerts
 Reine Meylaerts is Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies at KU Leuven where she teaches courses on European Literature, Comparative Literature and Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature. She was director of CETRA (  member. Her current research interests concern translation policy, intercultural mediation and transfer in multilingual cultures, past and present. She is the author of numerous articles and chapters on these topics  She is also review editor of Target International Journal of Translation Studies. She was coordinator of 2011-2014: FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN: TIME: Translation Research Training: An integrated and intersectoral model for Europe. She is former Secretary General (2004-2007) of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) and Chair of the Doctoral Studies Committee of EST.


Espai UVic
Via Augusta, 123, 08006 Barcelona

Important dates

Submission of abstracts: 18th May (expired) 

Notification of acceptance: 8th June  (expired) 

Early bird registration: 26th July (expired) 


For any queries regarding the conference or Trafilm in general, feel free to contact us at trafilmproject@gmail.com

Rated 4.64, 11 vote(s). 

Trafilm's participation in Languages and the Media

11/7/2016 - Stavroula

It was a great experience for the Trafilm group to participate at the Languages and the Media Conference in Berlin last week. There was a great turn-up and lots of questions in the end. Some participants expressed their interested in becoming associate members, including Heike Juengst, something the whole team is looking forward to.

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Trafilm in Languages and the Media Conference

10/31/2016 - Stavroula

Our team is going to participate in the Languages and the Media Conference!
In the dedicated session titled: Multilingual / Third Languages, Patrick Zabalbeascoa and Montse Corrius will present Code-Switching as an Instance of L3 Combinations. The Case of Alternating Languages in ‘Spanglish’ .
Then Eva Espasa and Stavroula Sokoli will talk about Researching the Translation of Multilingual Films in Spain: The TRAFILM project
Guillermo Parra is also going to speak about Translating the Effects of Alcohol and other Drugs on Audiovisual Dialogue
For more details, have a look at the conference programme http://www.languages-media.com/conference_programme.php

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Report on the Symposium "The Translation of Multilingual Films"

10/3/2016 - Stavroula

This symposium was the first public presentation of the TRAFILM project (FFI2014-55952-P), which researches the phenomenon of multilingualism in films. The seminar started with a plenary lecture by Dr. Carol O’Sullivan, University of Bristol, “Translating Multilingual Films: from the Multiplex to the Arthouse” which presented an inspiring historical and theoretical overview of multilingualism in the cinema and its relevance for translation.
This was followed by papers from all TRAFILM members.  Dr. Corrius and Dr. Espasa, as coordinators of the project, reviewed the general theoretical and methodological framework of the project. The titles of their papers were
“From multilingual texts to Trafilm: A pathway to validate and refine the theoretical models on AVT” (Corrius), and “An overview of Trafilm project: methodological considerations and corpus selection” (Espasa).
Then, Dr. Zabalbeascoa and Dr. Sokoli showed how the theoretical and methodological foundations of the project can be articulated and integrated in an online plataform of metadata, an essential tool for the TRAFILM group, which is open to the collaboration of other researchers working in this field. The titles of their papers were “
From pretty theory to messy reality: adapting L3 models and variables to the Trafilm design of a usable online form for collecting metadata” (Zabalbeascoa), and “Collecting data analyses of L3 instances in multilingual films: towards the Trafilm consultable database” (Sokoli).
Last but definitely not least, the seminar ended with papers by Dr. Santamaria and Dr. Pujol, who showed the versatility of the TRAFILM project to account for relevant phenomena in multilingualism in film, such as cultural referents, or the presence of constructed languages in films and transmedia projects: “L3 as a cultural referent” (Santamaria), and “Constructed languages as L3 in Transmedia films” (Pujol).

This was followed by a hands-on open research seminar in the afternoon, which let all participants test the design and use of the TRAFILM database. Among the participants, Dr. Carol O’Sullivan, who provided feedback from her expertise, as well as doctoral students, including Guillermo Parra, who officially joined the TRAFILM team in that seminar and incorporated his findings from his ongoing PhD project. A phrase in the seminar that was often repeated wasFrom pretty theory to messy reality”. This does show the complexity of this research, but does not do justice to its positive effects: the richness involved in collaborative research, and the fruitful interchange of information and perspectives that this provides.

A total of 36 people attended this seminar: apart from guest speaker Dr. O’Sullivan, all TRAFILM members, lecturers of the Department of Translation and Interpretation (UVic), doctoral students of translation (UVic, UPF and UAB), as well as students of Translation and Interpretation (UVic).

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Announcing Symposium "The Translation of Multilingual Films"

6/7/2016 - Stavroula

 Next Friday, 17th June, in the context of the International Workshop on Higher Education at the University of Vic - UCC, the symposium The Translation of Multilingual Films will offer an overview of the research project TRAFILM (FFI2014-55952-P).

The seminar will start with a plenary lecture by Dr. Carol O’Sullivan (University of Bristol), who will examine the state of the art on multilingual film translation. This will dialogue with the rest of the interventions, all by TRAFILM members, specialists in audiovisual translation: Dr. Patrick Zabalbeascoa (UPF), Dr. Laura Santamaria (UAB), Dr. Stavroula Sokoli (HOU, CTI), Dr. Miquel Pujol (UVic - UCC), and project coordinators Dr. Montse Corrius (UVic - UCC) and Dr. Eva Espasa (UVic - UCC). They will analyse the theoretical model of the project; its methodological and technological implications and applications, as well as the connections between multilingual films and cultural and ideological issues involved in their translation.


More information on venue and times:



Registration is free but compulsory in order to obtain an attendance certificate.


Please note that you have to include the name of the activity in the registration form: The Translation of Multilingual Films. An Overview of TRAFILM Research Project.

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Anunciem el Simposi "The Translation of Multilingual Films"

6/6/2016 - Stavroula


El proper divendres 17 de juny, dins de l’International Workshop on Higher Education, tindrà lloc el simposi The Translation of Multilingual Films en el marc del projecte de recerca TRAFILM, vinculat al grup de recerca TRACTE. El simposi, en anglès, tracta el fenomen de les pel·lícules multilingües, que presenten fascinants reptes per a la professió i per a la recerca sobre traducció audiovisual.


Encetarà el simposi la conferència plenària de la Dra. Carol O’Sullivan, reconeguda especialista en traducció audiovisual i literària de la Universitat de Bristol, i continuarà amb les intervencions dels diferents membres del projecte, especialistes en traducció audiovisual: Dr. Patrick Zabalbeascoa (UPF), Dra. Laura Santamaria (UAB), Dra. Stavroula Sokoli (HOU, CTI), Dr. Miquel Pujol (UVic) i de les coordinadores del projecte Dra. Montse Corrius (UVic) i Dra. Eva Espasa (UVic).


Per la tarda, el seminari es clourà amb un taller de recerca, a càrrec dels membres del projecte i obert a tothom interessat en el fenomen de la traducció audiovisual i el multilingüisme.


Més informació i horari:



La inscripció és gratuïta però indispensable, per logística i per obtenir certificat d’assistència.


Cal tenir en compte que el formulari d’inscripció demana fer-hi constar el nom de l’activitat: The Translation of Multilingual Films. An Overview of TRAFILM Research Project.


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Introduction to project Trafilm

6/5/2016 - Admin

A large number of films and television series, and written literature portray more than one (type of) language (than just standard British English, for instance), because they include different languages or significant linguistic variations. The translation of such texts poses certain challenges, since language variation can fulfil certain functions (stylistic, pragmatic or discursive). These texts are often referred to as multilingual (or polylingual, plurilingual or even heterolingual).

The TRAFILM project aims to describe the reality of the translation of multilingual audiovisual texts. We aim to discover professional and social practices along with the norms and criteria of this specific translation challenge. We will analyse films translated in Spain from the beginning of the new millennium onward, in order to compare the norms and tendencies when rendering linguistic diversity for dubbing and subtitling. We will deal with translations from English (because of its prevalence in the audiovisual markets), and into Spanish and Catalan (the target languages of the academic, professional and social context of the research team). The project pays special attention to gathering a representative number of samples of how the phenomenon of multilingualism has been dealt with in 21st-century films. We do not restrict the number of language varieties that constitute the “third language,” i. e. the variety that is not the source or target language, since this research intends to analyse the functions of this variety in order to deal with the related criteria for its translation. We will also study the case whereby the presence of the “other” language happens to be exactly the same language as the main target language for the translation (for example, American English-language films which include scenes in Spanish, and their dubbed or subtitled versions for Spain). Thus, we intend to provide reliable data for refining existing theoretical models of multilingualism in audiovisual translation, and to compare tendencies across translation types. 

The TRAFILM project also aims to create a consultable database, where excerpts from multilingual films will be spotted and transcribed, allowing the user to search languages and language variations with a range of translation options. This database will offer quantitative and qualitative data for research. It will also provide audiovisual materials for translation training and foreign language acquisition. Finally, it will provide a set of guidelines for translating multilingualism, including diverse translation options.

The project aims to validate and refine the theoretical models on audiovisual translation and multilingualism by describing and analysing a rich collection of data. It also intends to provide useful material resources, such as the consultable database and a set of guidelines for translators, trainers and trainees.

The project TRAFILM (FFI2014-55952-P) is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Categories: Trafilm

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