Espai UVic
Via Augusta, 123, 08006 Barcelona
Thursday, 30th November 2017
8:30 - 9:00
– Registration
9:00 - 9:15
– Welcome
9:15 - 10:15
– Keynote 1: Marta Mateo (University of
Oviedo) “Issues, factors and strategies in the translation of multilingual
operas” (Chair: Eva
10.15-11.45 – Panel 1A: Research Projects (Chair: Montse Corrius)
Pérez de Heredia (University of the Basque Country) – Irene de Higes-Andino (Universitat Jaume I): "Multilingualism and representation of identites in audiovisual texts:
IDENTITRA, a Research Project”
Zabalbeascoa (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) – Stavroula Sokoli (Hellenic Open University): “The Trafilm project: Insights and development”
Irene Ranzato (La Sapienza Università di Roma): "Dialects in Audiovisuals: regional and social varieties of British English in cinema and TV"
10.15-11.45 – Panel 1B: The Crimes of Code Switching (Chair: Miquel Pujol)
Iberg (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): “Multilingualism as
narrative device or depiction of reality? Mapping language use and subtitling
in Narcos”
Enriqueta Zafra; Marco Fiola (Ryerson University): “’Translators
always talk about loyalty – till their own asses are on the line’: on
faithfulness, vulgarity and equivalence for three audiences of Narcos”
10.15-11.45 – Panel 1C: Dubbing and L3 (Chair: Laura Santamaria)
Martínez Tejerina (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Samantha Sánchez Martínez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): “The dubbing of foreign accents in The Simpsons”
Dora Renna (University of Verona): “Unveiling multiculturalism, translating multilingualism: Chicano English and Italian dubbing of the movie Blood In Blood Out (1993)”
– Coffee-break
12.15-13.45 – Panel 2A: Audiences and filmmakers (Chair: María Pérez de Heredia)
Irene de Higes-Andino (Universitat Jaume I) Eva Duran-Eppler
(Roehampton University), Mathias Kraemer (VSI, London): “Why make multilingual
films and TV series? And how are they perceived? Preliminary results on
filmmakers’ intentions and audiences’ perception”
Gonzalo Iturregui-Gallardo (Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona): “Audio subtitling multilingualism: strategies and user experience”
Nancy Membrez (University of Texas): “Collaborating with Argentine
Filmmaker Eliseo Subiela”
12.15-13.45 – Panel 2B: Strategies When Translating L3
(Chair: Irene
Monika Wozniak (La Sapienza Università di Roma): “Giuseppe in Warsaw: a strange case of
untranslatable translation”
Simon Labate (University of Namur): “Where Idioms
Change: The French dubbed version of Where Eagles Dare”
Santiago Vigata (Universidade de Brasília): “To translate or not to
translate: the choice to leave foreign lines untranslated in a film”
12.15-13.45 – Panel 2C: Code Switching (Chair: Patrick Zabalbeascoa)
Margherita Dore (La Sapienza Università di Roma): “Translating Multilingual Humour in AVT. Modern
Family as a Case in Point”
Carmen Pena-Díaz (Universidad de Alcalá): “The Use of
Code-switching as a contextualization cue in Audiovisual Translation”
Giulia Magazzù (University of Chieti-Pescara):
“Dottore, dottore!” Subtitling dialects and regionalisms: the case of
“Inspector Montalbano”
– Lunch
15:15-16:45 – Panel 3A: Drama and Performance (Chair: Eva Espasa)
Elizabete Manterola (University of the Basque Country):
“The translation of a heterolingual novel: Soinujolearen semea, by
Bernardo Atxaga”
Yu Jing (Shanghai Jiao Tong University): “The issue of
gender and Eliza’s two voices”
15:15-16:45 – Panel 3B: Dubbed Series (Chair: Anjana Martínez-Tejerina)
Julia Carbonell-Galindo (University of Valladolid);
Verónica Arnáiz-Uzquiza (University of Valladolid); Susana Álvarez-Alvarez (University
of Valladolid): “Multilingual kaleidoscope: Multilingual products rendered in
different dubbing scenarios”
Ilaria Parini (University of Milan) ““Inizia oggi il papato di Pio
XIII”. Multilingualism in The Young Pope
and its Italian version”
Cristina Alonso-Villa (Universidad de Regensburg) “Vikings: rendering of a “real
constructed” language. Comparative analysis of the Spanish and German DVDs of
the third season”
– Coffee-break
17.15-18.00 – Round Table: Professional Perspectives
on Multilingual Films Isona
Passola, producer and director; Àlex Brendemühl, actor and script writer; Lluís
Comes, translator and adapter (Chair: Laura
20.30 - Conference Dinner at Marítim Restaurant (Barcelona harbour). Please note that places are limited. They will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis.
Friday, 1st December 2017
9.00-10.30 – Panel 4A: Sociolinguistic Variety (Chair: Eva Duran-Eppler)
Guillermo Parra (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): “Analysing
the translation of substance-induced L3 with the aid of the TRAFILM database”
Giulia Puppo (University of Sheffield): “Like Crazy. Bipolar Disorder and Linguistic Speech Patterns in Paolo Virzì’s La Pazza Gioia (2016): Challenges for
the Subtitler)”
Kristyna Dufkova (Masaryk University): “Difficulties
with the melting Balkans pot: How to translate and highlight the diversity
within the subtitles”
9.00-10.30 – Panel 4B: Subtitling and L3 (Chair: Stavroula Sokoli)
Huang Boyi
(Centre for Translation, Hong Kong Baptist University): “Translational
Idiosyncrasies in Subtitling: A Comparative Study on the Commercially Licensed
and the Voluntarily Fansubbed Chinese Translations of the Big Bang Theory”
Mariazell-Eugènia Bosch Fàbregas (Universitat de Vic –
UCC): “Cultural Stereotyping through Subtitling in Family Guy”
Beltramello (National University of Ireland): “Working
with subtitle dialectics in the foreign language classroom: the case of Benvenuti
al Sud
– Coffee-break
11.00-12.00 Keynote 2: Reine Meylaerts (KU Leuven): “Multilingual films in/and translation: beyond
the paradigm of simplicity?” (Chair: Patrick Zabalbeascoa)
12.00-13.30 – Panel 5A: Sociolect and Idiolect (Chair: Miquel Pujol)
Irene Ranzato (La Sapienza Università di Roma): “The
‘U’-sociolect: the linguistic representation of the British upper classes”
Izwaini (American University of Sharjah): “Multilingual Subtitling
from and into Arabic: Patterns, features and communicative outcomes”
Carme Mangiron (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
“Playing with Languages: Linguistic Variation in Game Localisation”
12.00-13.30 – Panel 5B: Cultural References, Political
Perspective and Ideology (Chair: Irene
de Higes)
Patricia Tavares da Mata (Universidade de Brasília); Helena Santiago Vigata
(Universidade de Brasília): “Subtitling multilingual films: the challenge of
preserving linguistic diversity”
Aysun Kiran (University College London/Marmara
University, Istanbul): “Linguistic Diversity and Translation (or
Non-Translation in Turkish Cinema”
Arthur Pontes Costa (Universidade de Brasília); Helena Santiago Vigata (Universidade de Brasília): “Analysis of multilingual subtitles: Les
Grandes Ondes (à l'Ouest)”
13.30-14.30 – Keynote 3: Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin): "The New Languages of the Earth? Translation,
Cinema and Climate Change" (Chair: Montse Corrius)
– Lunch